Calculate genomic region density

    window.size = 1e7,
    n.window = NULL,
    overlap = TRUE,
    count_by = c("percent", "number"),
    chr.len = NULL)



Genomic positions. It can be a data frame with two columns which are start positions and end positions on a single chromosome. It can also be a bed-format data frame which contains the chromosome column.


Window size to calculate genomic density


number of windows, if it is specified, window.size is ignored


Whether two neighbouring windows have half overlap


How to count the value for each window, percent: percent of the window covered by the input regions; number: number of regions that overlap to the window.


the chromosome length. The value should be named vector


It calculate the percent of each genomic windows that is covered by the input regions.


If the input is a two-column data frame, the function returns a data frame with three columns: start position, end position and the overlapping (value depends on the count_by argument). And if the input is a bed-format data frame, there will be an additionally chromosome name column.


bed = generateRandomBed() bed = subset(bed, chr == "chr1") head(genomicDensity(bed))
#> chr start end value #> 1 chr1 1 10000000 0.5174489 #> 2 chr1 5000001 15000000 0.5550511 #> 3 chr1 10000001 20000000 0.5354743 #> 4 chr1 15000001 25000000 0.5258289 #> 5 chr1 20000001 30000000 0.4530591 #> 6 chr1 25000001 35000000 0.5215807
head(genomicDensity(bed, count_by = "number"))
#> chr start end value #> 1 chr1 1 10000000 22 #> 2 chr1 5000001 15000000 28 #> 3 chr1 10000001 20000000 36 #> 4 chr1 15000001 25000000 36 #> 5 chr1 20000001 30000000 35 #> 6 chr1 25000001 35000000 32