Calculate inter-distance of genomic regions

    mode = c("min", "max", "mean", "left", "right"),
    normalize_to_width = FALSE)



Genomic positions. It can be a data frame with two columns which are start positions and end positions on a single chromosome. It can also be a bed-format data frame which contains the chromosome column.


How to calculate inter-distance. For a region, there is a distance to the prevous region and also there is a distance to the next region. mode controls how to merge these two distances into one value.


If it is TRUE, the value is the relative distance divided by the width of the region.


If the input is a two-column data frame, the function returnes a data frame with three columns: start position, end position and distance. And if the input is a bed-format data frame, there will be the chromosome column added.

The row order of the returned data frame is as same as the input one.


bed = generateRandomBed() bed = subset(bed, chr == "chr1") head(rainfallTransform(bed))
#> chr start end dist #> 1 chr1 13320 34407 411684 #> 2 chr1 446091 575208 92554 #> 3 chr1 667762 890572 30749 #> 4 chr1 921321 936771 22156 #> 5 chr1 958927 970783 22156 #> 6 chr1 1264401 1403820 47438