Transpost the Combination Matrix

# S3 method for comb_mat



A combination matrix returned by make_comb_mat.


set.seed(123) lt = list(a = sample(letters, 10), b = sample(letters, 15), c = sample(letters, 20)) m = make_comb_mat(lt) t(m)
#> A combination matrix with 3 sets and 6 combinations. #> ranges of combination set size: c(1, 8). #> mode for the combination size: distinct. #> sets are on columns #> #> Utility functions that can be applied: #> - set_name(): name of the sets. #> - set_size(): size of the sets. #> - comb_name(): name of the combination sets. #> - comb_size(): size of the combination sets. #> - comb_degree(): degree of the combination sets. #> - extract_comb(): extract elements in the specific combination set. #> - t(): transpose the combination matrix on the UpSet plot. #> - '[': subset the combination matrix.