cola is available on Bioconductor, you can install it by:
The latest version can be installed directly from GitHub:
The cola supports two types of consensus partitioning.
Standard consensus partitioning
- It modularizes the consensus clustering processes that various methods can be easily integrated in different steps of the analysis.
- It provides rich visualizations for intepreting the results.
- It allows running multiple methods at the same time and provides functionalities to compare results in a straightforward way.
- It provides a new method to extract features which are more efficient to separate subgroups.
- It generates detailed HTML reports for the complete analysis.

The steps of consensus partitioning is:
- Clean the input matrix. The processing are: adjusting outliers, imputing missing values and removing rows with very small variance. This step is optional.
- Extract subset of rows with highest scores. Here “scores” are calculated by a certain method. For gene expression analysis or methylation data analysis, n rows with highest variance are used in most cases, where the “method”, or let’s call it “the top-value method” is the variance (by
or sd()
). Note the choice of “the top-value method” can be general. It can be e.g. MAD (median absolute deviation) or any user-defined method.
- Scale the rows in the sub-matrix (e.g. gene expression) or not (e.g. methylation data). This step is optional.
- Randomly sample a subset of rows from the sub-matrix with probability p and perform partition on the columns of the matrix by a certain partition method, with trying different numbers of subgroups.
- Repeat step 4 several times and collect all the partitions.
- Perform consensus partitioning analysis and determine the best number of subgroups which gives the most stable subgrouping.
- Apply statistical tests to find rows that show significant difference between the predicted subgroups. E.g. to extract subgroup specific genes.
- If rows in the matrix can be associated to genes, downstream analysis such as function enrichment analysis can be performed.
Three lines of code to perfrom cola analysis:
Following plots compare consensus heatmaps with k = 4 under all combinations of methods.

Hierarchical consensus partitioning
- It can detect subgroups which show major differences and also moderate differences.
- It can detect subgroups with large sizes as well as with tiny sizes.
- It generates detailed HTML reports for the complete analysis.
Hierarchical Consensus Partitioning

Three lines of code to perfrom hierarchical consensus partitioning analysis:
Following figure shows the hierarchy of the subgroups.

Following figure shows the signature genes.