Merge Dendrograms

merge_dendrogram(x, y, only_parent = FALSE, ...)



The parent dendrogram.


The children dendrograms. They are connected to the leaves of the parent dendrogram. So the length of y should be as same as the number of leaves of the parent dendrogram.


Whether only returns the parent dendrogram where the height and node positions have been adjusted by children dendrograms.


Other arguments.


Do not retrieve the order of the merged dendrogram. It is not reliable.


m1 = matrix(rnorm(100), nr = 10) m2 = matrix(rnorm(80), nr = 8) m3 = matrix(rnorm(50), nr = 5) dend1 = as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(m1))) dend2 = as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(m2))) dend3 = as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(m3))) dend_p = as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(rbind(colMeans(m1), colMeans(m2), colMeans(m3))))) dend_m = merge_dendrogram(dend_p, list(dend1, dend2, dend3)) grid.dendrogram(dend_m, test = TRUE)
dend_m = merge_dendrogram(dend_p, list(dend1, dend2, dend3), only_parent = TRUE) grid.dendrogram(dend_m, test = TRUE)
require(dendextend) dend1 = color_branches(dend1, k = 1, col = "red") dend2 = color_branches(dend2, k = 1, col = "blue") dend3 = color_branches(dend3, k = 1, col = "green") dend_p = color_branches(dend_p, k = 1, col = "orange") dend_m = merge_dendrogram(dend_p, list(dend1, dend2, dend3)) grid.dendrogram(dend_m, test = TRUE)