Perform functional enrichment on signature genes
# S4 method for HierarchicalPartition
functional_enrichment(object, merge_node = merge_node_param(),
gene_fdr_cutoff = cola_opt$fdr_cutoff,
row_km = NULL, id_mapping = guess_id_mapping(rownames(object), org_db, verbose),
org_db = "", ontology = "BP",
min_set_size = 10, max_set_size = 1000,
verbose = TRUE, ...)
a HierarchicalPartition-class
object from hierarchical_partition
Parameters to merge sub-dendrograms, see merge_node_param
Cutoff of FDR to define significant signature genes.
Number of row clusterings by k-means to separate the matrix that only contains signatures.
If the gene IDs which are row names of the original matrix are not Entrez IDs, a named vector should be provided where the names are the gene IDs in the matrix and values are correspoinding Entrez IDs. The value can also be a function that converts gene IDs.
Annotation database.
See corresponding argumnet in functional_enrichment,ANY-method
The minimal size of the gene sets.
The maximal size of the gene sets.
Whether to print messages.
Pass to functional_enrichment,ANY-method
For how to control the parameters of functional enrichment, see help page of functional_enrichment,ANY-method
A list of data frames which correspond to results for the functional ontologies:
# There is no example