Several plots for determining the optimized number of subgroups
# S4 method for ConsensusPartition
select_partition_number(object, mark_best = TRUE, all_stats = FALSE)
A ConsensusPartition-class
Whether mark the best k in the plot.
Whether to show all statistics that were calculated. Used internally.
There are following plots made:
eCDF of the consensus matrix under each k, made by plot_ecdf,ConsensusPartition-method
mean sihouette score,
the concordance
for each partition to the consensus partition,
area increase of the area under the ECDF of consensus matrix with increasing k,
Rand index for current k compared to k - 1,
Jaccard coefficient for current k compared to k - 1,
No value is returned.
select_partition_number(golub_cola["ATC", "skmeans"])