Heatmap of top rows from different top-value methods
# S4 method for matrix
top_rows_heatmap(object, all_top_value_list = NULL,
top_value_method = all_top_value_methods(),
bottom_annotation = NULL,
top_n = round(0.25*nrow(object)), scale_rows = TRUE, ...)
A numeric matrix.
Top-values that have already been calculated from the matrix. If it is NULL
the values are calculated by methods in top_value_method
Methods defined in all_top_value_methods
A HeatmapAnnotation-class
Number of top rows to show in the heatmap.
Whether to scale rows.
Pass to Heatmap
The function makes heatmaps where the rows are scaled (or not scaled) for the top n rows from different top-value methods.
The top n rows are used for subgroup classification in cola analysis, so the heatmaps show which top-value method gives better candidate rows for the classification.
No value is returned.
mat = matrix(rnorm(1000), nrow = 100)
top_rows_heatmap(mat, top_n = 25)