@venkan provides an interesting use case for circlize which is to visualize the relations bewteen genes and pathways with integrating genes’ genomic positions. An example plot looks like:
In that plot, the “pathway” is in the same track as the ideograms. Thus, to use circlize to implement it, we need to make “pathway” as a fake chromosome and concatenate it to the normal chromosomes. In this blog post, I will demonstrate how to implement it.
I first generate a random set of genes and their genomic positions. To make it
easier, I use single positions to represent genes (where what df[, 3] = df[, 2]
does in the following code). I also assign pathway names for each gene.
df = generateRandomBed(30)[ , 1:3]
df[, 3] = df[, 2]
df$gene = paste0("gene_", 1:nrow(df))
df$pathway = paste0("pathway_", sample(10, nrow(df), replace = TRUE))
## chr start end gene pathway
## 1 chr1 12716970 12716970 gene_1 pathway_1
## 2 chr1 120710262 120710262 gene_2 pathway_5
## 3 chr1 161401295 161401295 gene_3 pathway_5
## 4 chr2 62435676 62435676 gene_4 pathway_8
## 5 chr2 66649737 66649737 gene_5 pathway_5
## 6 chr2 168175018 168175018 gene_6 pathway_7
Next I construct the concatenated genome by simply adding one more row to the cytoband data frame. The newly added row corresponds to the fake-chromosome “pathway” and the length of it corresponds to the length which will be finally represented in the circular plot.
cytoband = read.cytoband()$df
cytoband = rbind(cytoband,
data.frame(V1 = "pathway", V2 = 1, V3 = 2e8, V4 = "", V5 = "")
## V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
## 858 chrY 15100000 19800000 q11.221 gpos50
## 859 chrY 19800000 22100000 q11.222 gneg
## 860 chrY 22100000 26200000 q11.223 gpos50
## 861 chrY 26200000 28800000 q11.23 gneg
## 862 chrY 28800000 59373566 q12 gvar
## 1100 pathway 1 200000000
Now “pathway” is a chromosome, and all the pathways (with name “pathway_1”, “pathway_2”, …) are the “genes” in it. Next I calculate the “positions” of these fake genes. I simply put the “pathway genes” evenly along the “pathway” chromosome.
foo = round(seq(1, 2e8, length = 11))
pathway_mid = structure(as.integer((foo[1:10] + foo[2:11])/2),
names = paste0("pathway_", 1:10))
df$pathway_chr = "pathway"
df$pathway_start = pathway_mid[ df$pathway ]
df$pathway_end = pathway_mid[ df$pathway ]
## chr start end gene pathway pathway_chr pathway_start
## 1 chr1 12716970 12716970 gene_1 pathway_1 pathway 10000001
## 2 chr1 120710262 120710262 gene_2 pathway_5 pathway 90000000
## 3 chr1 161401295 161401295 gene_3 pathway_5 pathway 90000000
## 4 chr2 62435676 62435676 gene_4 pathway_8 pathway 150000000
## 5 chr2 66649737 66649737 gene_5 pathway_5 pathway 90000000
## 6 chr2 168175018 168175018 gene_6 pathway_7 pathway 130000000
## pathway_end
## 1 10000001
## 2 90000000
## 3 90000000
## 4 150000000
## 5 90000000
## 6 130000000
Everything is ready, and we can use the “normal” way to draw the genomic circular plot with genomic links:
circos.genomicLink(df[, 1:3], df[, 6:8])
That is basically the idea. Next I customize the plot to make it look nicer, e.g., to adjust font size, set colors, add labels, …
circos.par(gap.after = c(rep(1, 23), 5, 5))
circos.genomicInitialize(cytoband, plotType = NULL)
# the labels track
label_df = rbind(df[, 1:4], setNames(df[, c(6:8, 5)], colnames(df)[1:4]))
label_df = unique(label_df)
circos.genomicLabels(label_df, labels.column = 4, side = "outside", cex = 0.6)
# the chromosome names track
circos.track(track.index = get.current.track.index(), panel.fun = function(x, y) {
circos.text(CELL_META$xcenter, CELL_META$ylim[1], CELL_META$sector.index,
niceFacing = TRUE, adj = c(0.5, 0), cex = 0.8)
}, track.height = strheight("fj", cex = 0.8)*1.2, bg.border = NA, cell.padding = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
# ideogram track
# add points to the cell "pathway"
tb = table(df$pathway)
pathway_col = structure(1:10, names = paste0("pathway_", 1:10))
set.current.cell(sector.index = "pathway", track.index = get.current.track.index())
circos.points(x = pathway_mid[names(tb)], y = CELL_META$ycenter, pch = 16,
cex = tb/5, col = pathway_col[names(tb)])
# genomic links
circos.genomicLink(df[, 1:3], df[, 6:8], col = pathway_col[df[, 5]])