
  1. Make intearctive complex heatmaps, poster presentation on Bioconductor conference 2021. Poster.
  2. spiralize: an R package for visualizing data on spirals, contributed talk on Bioconductor Asia 2021. YouTube, Slides.
  3. On the heaviness of package dependencies, contributed talk on useR! 2022. Slides.
  4. cola: a general framework for consensus partitioning, package demo on Bioconductor conference 2022. YouTube. Slides.
  5. simplifyEnrichment: A Bioconductor Package for Clustering and Visualizing Functional Enrichment Results, package demo on EuroBioc 2022, Heidelberg Germany. Slides.
  6. Complex Heatmap visualization, invited talk on China Gut conference 2023 (中国肠道大会2023). Video.
  7. rGREAT: an R/Bioconductor Package for Functional Enrichment on Genomic Regions, package demo on Bioconductor conference 2023. Slides, Demo1, local_great.html, Demo2, online_great.html.
  8. On the Dependency Heaviness of CRAN/Bioconductor Ecosystem, short talk on Bioconductor conference 2023. Slides.
  9. 组学数据分析和可视化工具开发, iMeta典型文章系列讲座.
  10. GHGA Webinar: Biological data visualisation in R and Bioconductor,