4 min read

Differentiate brush and click event in Shiny

I am recently developing a package InteractiveComplexHeatmap which generates interactive heatmaps as Shiny apps. One basic interactivity on heatmap is to click on heatmap cells or to select a region from it. Shiny allows to set click and brush arguments in plotOutput() to perform clicking or brushing on the heatmap image, and on the server side, to respond to these two actions. In InteractiveComplexHeatmap, I defined an action to respond to click event and an action to respond to brush event. However, there is one big problem that is brushing on heatmap is always intialized with a click action, so when brushing on heatmap, both the response for click and brush will be executed. This problem can be ignored by using dbclick (double click) instead of click, but double click is not user-friendly.

I demonstrate this problem with the following app:


ui = fluidPage(
    plotOutput("plot", width = 600, height = 400,
        click = "click", brush = "brush"),
        column(3, htmlOutput("output1")),
        column(3, htmlOutput("output2"))

server = function(input, output, session) {
    output$plot = renderPlot({

    observeEvent(input$click, {
        output$output1 = renderText({
<pre style='background-color:{rand_color(1)}'>
a click:
input$click$coords_css$x = {input$click$coords_css$x}
input$click$coords_css$y = {input$click$coords_css$y}</pre>"))

    observeEvent(input$brush, {
        output$output2 = renderText({
<pre style='background-color:{rand_color(1)}'>
a brush:
input$brush$coords_css$xmin = {input$brush$coords_css$xmin}
input$brush$coords_css$ymin = {input$brush$coords_css$ymin}
input$brush$coords_css$xmax = {input$brush$coords_css$xmax}
input$brush$coords_css$ymax = {input$brush$coords_css$ymax}</pre>"))

shinyApp(ui, server)

The plot output only contains a rectangle. Both click and brush are turned on. Clicking or brushing on the plot prints the coordinates. The two output blocks (output1 and output2) are assigned with random colors to highlight different clicks or brushes.

As shown in following figure, every time when brushing on the plot, the output for click also changes correspondingly.

Unfortunately, plotOutput() does not support to differentiate click and brush, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30527977/ggplot2-how-to-differentiate-click-from-brush and https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/issues/947.

After many tries, I figured out how to differentiate click and brush. The idea is simple. In JavaScript, both click and brush contain two mouse events, mousedown and mouseup. mousedown corresponds to the action when you click into the mouse and mouseup corresponds to the action when you release your finger. The difference between click and brush is click won’t change the mouse positions between mousedown and mouseup, while brush changes. Once we can differentiate click and brush, when either of the two actions finishes, we can create or update a reactive value by Shiny.setInputValue in JaveScript to trigger the response in Shiny server function.

I demonstrate this idea with the following code. When either of click or brush finishes, the reactive variable action is created or updated by Shiny.setInputValue('action', Math.random());. In the server function, we do not observe input$click or input$brush anymore, while now we observe input$action. By comparing the positions of mouse, we can choose whether to update click output or brush output.


ui = fluidPage(
    plotOutput("plot", width = 600, height = 400,
        click = "click", brush = "brush"),
        $('#plot').mousedown(function(e) {
            var parentOffset = $(this).offset();
            var relX = e.pageX - parentOffset.left;
            var relY = e.pageY - parentOffset.top;
            Shiny.setInputValue('x1', relX);
            Shiny.setInputValue('y1', relY);
        }).mouseup(function(e) {
            var parentOffset = $(this).offset();
            var relX = e.pageX - parentOffset.left;
            var relY = e.pageY - parentOffset.top;
            Shiny.setInputValue('x2', relX);
            Shiny.setInputValue('y2', relY);
            Shiny.setInputValue('action', Math.random());
        column(3, htmlOutput("output1")),
        column(3, htmlOutput("output2"))

server = function(input, output, session) {
    output$plot = renderPlot({

    observeEvent(input$action, {
        if(input$x1 == input$x2 && input$y1 == input$y2) {
            output$output1 = renderText({
<pre style='background-color:{rand_color(1)}'>
a click:
x1 = {input$x1}
y1 = {input$y1}
x2 = {input$x2}
y2 = {input$y2}
input$click$coords_css$x = {input$click$coords_css$x}
input$click$coords_css$y = {input$click$coords_css$y}</pre>"))
        } else {
            output$output2 = renderText({
<pre style='background-color:{rand_color(1)}'>
a brush:
x1 = {input$x1}
y1 = {input$y1}
x2 = {input$x2}
y2 = {input$y2}
input$brush$coords_css$xmin = {input$brush$coords_css$xmin}
input$brush$coords_css$ymin = {input$brush$coords_css$ymin}
input$brush$coords_css$xmax = {input$brush$coords_css$xmax}
input$brush$coords_css$ymax = {input$brush$coords_css$ymax}</pre>"))

shinyApp(ui, server)

As you can see the following figure, now the click and brush are independent. Brushing on the plot won’t conflict to the clicks.

Note, here the aim is to remove click event from brush, thus actually the code for brush does not need to be changed (which means we still observe output$brush). We can only observe input$action and respond to click only when the mouse positions are unchanged (see how observeEvent(input$action, ...) is defined in following code).

ui = fluidPage(
    plotOutput("plot", width = 600, height = 400,
        click = "click", brush = "brush"),
        $('#plot').mousedown(function(e) {
            var parentOffset = $(this).offset();
            var relX = e.pageX - parentOffset.left;
            var relY = e.pageY - parentOffset.top;
            Shiny.setInputValue('x1', relX);
            Shiny.setInputValue('y1', relY);
        }).mouseup(function(e) {
            var parentOffset = $(this).offset();
            var relX = e.pageX - parentOffset.left;
            var relY = e.pageY - parentOffset.top;
            Shiny.setInputValue('x2', relX);
            Shiny.setInputValue('y2', relY);
            Shiny.setInputValue('action', Math.random());
        column(3, htmlOutput("output1")),
        column(3, htmlOutput("output2"))

server = function(input, output, session) {
    output$plot = renderPlot({

    observeEvent(input$action, {
        if(!(input$x1 == input$x2 && input$y1 == input$y2)) {

        output$output1 = renderText({
<pre style='background-color:{rand_color(1)}'>
a click:
input$click$coords_css$x = {input$click$coords_css$x}
input$click$coords_css$y = {input$click$coords_css$y}</pre>"))

    observeEvent(input$brush, {
        output$output2 = renderText({
<pre style='background-color:{rand_color(1)}'>
a brush:
input$brush$coords_css$xmin = {input$brush$coords_css$xmin}
input$brush$coords_css$ymin = {input$brush$coords_css$ymin}
input$brush$coords_css$xmax = {input$brush$coords_css$xmax}
input$brush$coords_css$ymax = {input$brush$coords_css$ymax}</pre>"))