BioCarta is a valuable source of biological pathways which not only provides well manually curated pathways, but also remarkable and intuitive pathway images. One useful features of pathway analysis which is to highlight genes of interest on the pathway images is lost. Since the original source of BioCarta ( is lost from the internet, we digged out the data from the internet archive and formatted it into a package.


The core functionality of this package is to highlight certain genes on the pathway image. The BioCartaImage package wraps the pathway image as well as gene locations into a graphic object

A simple use is as follows:

grid.biocarta("h_RELAPathway", color = c("1387" = "yellow"))

where "h_RELAPathway" is a BioCarta pathway ID, "1387" (in the EntreZ ID type) is the gene to be highlighted. grid.biocarta() is a low-level grid graphical function which adds the pathway graphic to a certain position in the plot.

More advanced use is first to create a graphic object (a grob), later to add more complex graphics to it:

grob = biocartaGrob("h_RELAPathway")
grob2 = mark_gene(grob, "1387", function(x, y) {
    pos = pos_by_polygon(x, y)
    pushViewport(viewport(x = pos[1] - 10, y = pos[2], 
        width = unit(4, "cm"), height = unit(4, "cm"), 
        default.units = "native", just = "right"))
    grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "red"))
    grid.text("add whatever\nyou want here")
}, capture = TRUE)

Here biocartaGrob() creates a grob for the pathway image and mark_gene() adds more graphics which are defined by the self-defined function.

For more details, please go to the vignette of this package.