Collect plots from ConsensusPartition object

# S4 method for ConsensusPartition
collect_plots(object, verbose = TRUE)



A ConsensusPartition-class object.


Whether print messages.


Plots by plot_ecdf, collect_classes,ConsensusPartition-method, consensus_heatmap, membership_heatmap and get_signatures are arranged in one single page, for all avaialble k.


No value is returned.


Zuguang Gu <>


# \donttest{
collect_plots(golub_cola["ATC", "skmeans"])
#> * plotting empirical cumulative distribution curves of the consensus matrix.
#> * plotting consensus classes for all k.
#> * making consensus heatmap for k = 2.
#> * making membership heatmap for k = 2.
#> * making signature heatmap for k = 2.
#> * making consensus heatmap for k = 3.
#> * making membership heatmap for k = 3.
#> * making signature heatmap for k = 3.
#> * making consensus heatmap for k = 4.
#> * making membership heatmap for k = 4.
#> * making signature heatmap for k = 4.
#> * making consensus heatmap for k = 5.
#> * making membership heatmap for k = 5.
#> * making signature heatmap for k = 5.
#> * making consensus heatmap for k = 6.
#> * making membership heatmap for k = 6.
#> * making signature heatmap for k = 6.

#> All individual plots can be made by following functions:
#> - plot_ecdf(object)
#> - collect_classes(object)
#> - consensus_heatmap(object, k)
#> - membership_heatmap(object, k)
#> - get_signatures(object, k)
# }