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4x4 space-filling curves in meander type


sfc_4x4_meander(seed, code = integer(0), rot = 0L, flip = FALSE, type = 1L)

# S4 method for sfc_4x4_meander
sfc_expand(p, code, flip = FALSE)

draw_rules_4x4_meander(type = 1, flip = FALSE)



The seed sequence. In most cases, the seed sequence is a single base pattern, which can be specified as a single letter, then rot controls the initial rotation of the base pattern. It also supports a sequence with more than one base patterns as the seed sequence. In this case, it can be specified as a string of more than one base letters, then rot can be set to a single rotation scalar which controls the rotation of the first letter, or a vector with the same length as the number of base letters.


A vector of the expansion code. The left side corresponds to the higher levels (more to the top-level) of the curve and the right side corresponds to the lower level (more to the bottom-level) of the curve. The value can be set as a vector e.g. c(1, 2, 1), or as a string e.g. "121", or as a number e.g. 121.


Rotation of the seed sequence, measured in the polar coordinate system, in degrees.


The same setting as in sfc_3x3_peano() or sfc_3x3_meander().


Which type of rules to use? 1 for SFC_RULES_4x4_MEANDER_1 and 2 for SFC_RULES_4x4_MEANDER_2.


An sfc_4x4_meander object.


It is an extension of the 3x3 Meander curves to mode 4. For simplicity, it only supports I/R/L base patterns.


    sfc_4x4_meander("I", "11", type = 1),
    sfc_4x4_meander("I", "12", type = 1),
    sfc_4x4_meander("I", "11", type = 2),
    sfc_4x4_meander("I", "12", type = 2),
    nrow = 2

seed = paste(rep(paste0("R", sapply(0:10, function(i) strrep("I", i))), each = 2), collapse="")
sfc_4x4_meander(seed, 1) |> plot()

draw_rules_4x4_meander(type = 1)

draw_rules_4x4_meander(type = 2)