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Here lists the major high-level functions implemented in this package.

Make curves

Make general curves:

sfc_2x2(), sfc_3x3_peano(), sfc_3x3_meander(), sfc_h().

Make curves in their standard forms:

hilbert_curve(), moore_curve(), beta_omega_curve(), peano_curve(), meander_curve(), h_curve().

Other curves:

sfc_3x3_combined(), sfc_4x4_meander(), hilbert_3d().

Generate nxn curves based on specific level-1 units:


Expansion rules

Pre-defined expansion rules:


Draw these rules:

draw_rules_2x2(), draw_rules_3x3_peano(), draw_rules_3x3_meander(), draw_rules_3x3_combined(), draw_rules_4x4_meander().


There are the following classes defined:

  • sfc_sequence: the most general class for a sequence of letters.
  • sfc_seed: essentially the same as sfc_sequence. This class is used as a mark representing the object can only be used as the seed for generating curves.
  • sfc_unit: only used when constructing the expansion rules. It is a sequence on level-1 of the curve. There is also an additional slot corner which corresponds to the corners of the in and out-direction of the square level-1 unit.
  • sfc_nxn: the base class for the general nxn curves.
  • sfc_2x2, sfc_3x3_peano, sfc_3x3_meander, sfc_3x3_combined, sfc_meander_4x4 are all child classes of sfc_nxn.
  • Specifically sfc_meander_4x4 has two child classes sfc_meander_4x4_1 and sfc_meander_4x4_2 using two different sets of expansion rules.

The following two classes define how the curve is expanded:

  • sfc_base: for the base patterns (i.e. level-0). It defines the previous point and the next points
  • sfc_rules: It contains the expansion rules from level-0 to level-1.

The UML of classes and their corresponding methods implemented in this package (made by nomnoml).