Get a single pathway




A BioCarta pathway ID. All valid BioCarta pathway IDs are in all_pathways(). To make it more convenient to use, the value can also be a MSigDB pathway ID in the BioCarta catalogue. The format should look like: "BIOCARTA_RELA_PATHWAY".


A biocarta_pathway object. The object is a simple list and contains the following elements:

  • id: The pathway ID.

  • name: The pathway name.

  • bc: The nodes in the original BioCarta pathways are proteins and some of them do not have one-to-one mapping to genes, such as protein families or complex. Here bc contains the primary IDs of proteins/single nodes in the pathway. The mapping to genes can be obtained by genes_in_pathway().

  • shape: The shape of the corresponding protein/node in the pathway image.

  • coords: It is a list of integer vectors, which contains coordinates of the corresponding shapes, in the unit of pixels. This information is retrieved from the HTML source code (in the <area> tag), so the the coordinates start from the top left of the image. The format of the coordinate vectors is c(x1, y1, x2, y2, ...).

  • image_file: The file name of the pathway image.

The bc, shape and coords elements have the same length and in the same order.


#> A BioCarta pathway:
#>   ID: h_RELAPathway
#>   Name: Acetylation and Deacetylation of RelA in The Nucleus
#>   35 nodes, 16 genes
#> A BioCarta pathway:
#>   ID: h_RELAPathway
#>   Name: Acetylation and Deacetylation of RelA in The Nucleus
#>   35 nodes, 16 genes