
  correct = FALSE,
  use_cache = simona_opt$use_cache,
  verbose = simona_opt$verbose



It has a complex form which takes account of the term depth and the downstream of the term. The first factor is calculated as:

f1 = log(depth)/long(max_depth)

The second factor is calculated as:

f1 = 1 - log(1 + sum_{x => t's offspring}(1/depth_x))/log(total_terms)

In the equation, the summation goes over t's offspring terms.

The final information content is the multiplication of f1 and f2:

IC = f1 * f2

Paper link: http://article.nadiapub.com/IJGDC/vol5_no3/6.pdf.

There is one parameter correct. If it is set to TRUE, the first factor f1 is calculated as:

f1 = log(depth + 1)/long(max_depth + 1)

correct can be set as:

term_IC(dag, method = "IC_Meng_2012", control = list(correct = TRUE))