All functions |
Add annotations to the DAG object |
Supported methods |
Term-item associations |
Various types of common ancestors |
Create the ontology_DAG object |
Create the ontology_DAG object from the GO.db package |
Create the ontology_DAG object from the igraph object |
Names of all terms |
Convert to an igraph object |
Depth and height in the DAG |
Distinct ancestors of a list of terms |
Enrichment analysis on the number of annotated items |
Enrichment analysis on offspring terms |
Enrichment analysis on offspring terms by permutation test |
Filter the DAG |
Whether the terms exist in the DAG |
Distance from all ancestors/to all offspring in the DAG |
Generate a random DAG |
Reorder the DAG |
Root or leaves of the DAG |
A shiny app for the DAG |
Parent/child/ancestor/offspring terms |
Reduce the DAG to a tree |
Visualize the DAG |
Distance on the DAG |
Semantic similarity between two groups of terms |
Import ontology file to an ontology_DAG object |
Get or set meta columns on DAG |
All Papameters of a given method |
Number of annotated items |
Number of parent/child/ancestor/offspring/leaf terms |
Import ontologies already having gene annotations |
The ontology_DAG class |
Partition the DAG |
Print the source |
Randomly sample terms/items |
Print the ontology_DAG object |
Global options |
Create sub-DAGs |
GroupSim_Dice |
GroupSim_Jaccard |
GroupSim_Kappa |
GroupSim_Overlap |
GroupSim_SimALD |
GroupSim_SimALN |
GroupSim_SimCHO |
GroupSim_SimCOT |
GroupSim_SimCOU |
GroupSim_SimDB |
GroupSim_SimDIC |
GroupSim_SimGIC |
GroupSim_SimLP |
GroupSim_SimNTO |
GroupSim_SimUB |
GroupSim_SimUI |
GroupSim_SimUIC |
GroupSim_Ye_2005 |
GroupSim_pairwise_ABM |
GroupSim_pairwise_BMA |
GroupSim_pairwise_BMM |
GroupSim_pairwise_Froehlich_2007 |
GroupSim_pairwise_HDF |
GroupSim_pairwise_Joeng_2014 |
GroupSim_pairwise_MHDF |
GroupSim_pairwise_VHDF |
GroupSim_pairwise_avg |
GroupSim_pairwise_max |
IC_Meng_2012 |
IC_Sanchez_2011 |
IC_Seco_2004 |
IC_Seddiqui_2010 |
IC_Wang_2007 |
IC_Zhang_2006 |
IC_Zhou_2008 |
IC_annotation |
IC_depth |
IC_offspring |
IC_universal |
Sim_AIC_2014 |
Sim_AlMubaid_2006 |
Sim_Ancestor |
Sim_Dice |
Sim_EISI_2015 |
Sim_FaITH_2010 |
Sim_GOGO_2018 |
Sim_HRSS_2013 |
Sim_Jaccard |
Sim_Jiang_1997 |
Sim_Kappa |
Sim_Leocock_1998 |
Sim_Li_2003 |
Sim_Lin_1998 |
Sim_Overlap |
Sim_Pekar_2002 |
Sim_RSS_2013 |
Sim_Rada_1989 |
Sim_Relevance_2006 |
Sim_Resnik_1999 |
Sim_Resnik_edge_2005 |
Sim_SSDD_2013 |
Sim_Shen_2010 |
Sim_Shenoy_2012 |
Sim_SimIC_2010 |
Sim_Slimani_2006 |
Sim_Stojanovic_2001 |
Sim_WP_1994 |
Sim_Wang_2007 |
Sim_Wang_edge_2012 |
Sim_XGraSM_2013 |
Sim_Zhang_2006 |
Sim_Zhong_2002 |
Sim_universal |
Information content |
Semantic similarity |