The 450k methylation array dataset is from Strum et al., 2012. The dataset is available from GEO database with id GSE36278.
Following files are needed for the analysis:
HTML reports for cola analysis:
Following code performs the analysis.
The methylation profiles have been measured by Illumina HumanMethylation450 BeadChip arrays. First, load probe data via the IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19 package.
package = "IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19")
probe = IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19 # change to a short name
Methylation profiles can be download from GEO database. The GEOquery package is used to retrieve expression data from GEO.
if(file.exists("GSE36278_450K.RData")) {
} else {
gset = getGEO("GSE36278")
save(gset, file = "GSE36278_450K.RData")
Adjust row names in the matrix to be the same as the probes.
mat = exprs(gset[[1]])
colnames(mat) = phenoData(gset[[1]])@data$title
mat = mat[rownames(getAnnotation(probe, what = "Locations")), ]
contains locations of probes and also information whether the CpG sites overlap
with SNPs. Here we remove probes that are on sex chromosomes and probes that overlap with SNPs.
l = getAnnotation(probe, what = "Locations")$chr %in% paste0("chr", 1:22) &, what = "SNPs.137CommonSingle")$Probe_rs)
mat = mat[l, ]
Extract the CpG annotations (i.e. CpG Islands, shores, seas).
cgi_anno = getAnnotation(probe, "Islands.UCSC")$Relation_to_Island[l]
Extract the matrix for tumor samples. Also modify column names for the tumor samples to be consistent with the phenotype data which we will read later.
mat1 = as.matrix(mat[, grep("GBM", colnames(mat))]) # tumor samples
colnames(mat1) = gsub("GBM", "dkfz", colnames(mat1))
Read the annotations for samples. Phenotype data (450K_annotation.txt
) is from Sturm et al., 2012, supplementary table S1.
phenotype = read.table("450K_annotation.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t", row.names = 1,
check.names = FALSE, comment.char = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
phenotype = phenotype[colnames(mat1), 1:2]
colnames(phenotype) = c("dkfz_subtype", "tcga_subtype")
Assign random values for NA
mat1[] = runif(sum(
A subset of matrix which corresponds to the current CpG annotation.
The value of cgi
can be island
cgi = "all" # island/shore/sea/all
cgi_regexp = cgi
if(cgi == "all") {
cgi_regexp = ".*"
} else if(cgi %in% c("shelf", "sea")) {
cgi_regexp = "shelf|sea"
mat1 = mat1[grepl(cgi_regexp, cgi_anno, = TRUE), , drop = FALSE]
Define the colors for the annotations.
anno_col = list(
dkfz_subtype = structure(names = c("IDH", "K27", "G34", "RTK I PDGFRA", "Mesenchymal", "RTK II Classic"), brewer.pal(6, "Set1")),
tcga_subtype = structure(names = c("G-CIMP+", "Cluster #2", "Cluster #3"), brewer.pal(3, "Set1"))
Perform the consensus partitioning:
rl = run_all_consensus_partition_methods(
top_n = seq(min(2000, round(nrow(data) * 0.1)), min(10000, round(nrow(data) * 0.5)), length.out = 5),
max_k = 10,
scale_rows = FALSE,
anno = phenotype,
anno_col = anno_col,
mc.cores = 4)
saveRDS(rl, file = qq("GBM_450K_cgi_@{cgi}_subgroup.rds"))
cola_opt(group_diff = 0.1)
cola_report(rl, output_dir = qq("GBM_450K_cgi_@{cgi}_subgroup_cola_report"), mc.cores = 4)