
GBM 450k dataset

The 450k methylation array dataset is from Strum et al., 2012. The dataset is available from GEO database with id GSE36278.

Following files are needed for the analysis:

HTML reports for cola analysis:

Following code performs the analysis.


The methylation profiles have been measured by Illumina HumanMethylation450 BeadChip arrays. First, load probe data via the IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19 package.

    package = "IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19")
probe = IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19 # change to a short name

Methylation profiles can be download from GEO database. The GEOquery package is used to retrieve expression data from GEO.

if(file.exists("GSE36278_450K.RData")) {
} else {
    gset = getGEO("GSE36278")
    save(gset, file = "GSE36278_450K.RData")

Adjust row names in the matrix to be the same as the probes.

mat = exprs(gset[[1]])
colnames(mat) = phenoData(gset[[1]])@data$title
mat = mat[rownames(getAnnotation(probe, what = "Locations")), ]

probe contains locations of probes and also information whether the CpG sites overlap with SNPs. Here we remove probes that are on sex chromosomes and probes that overlap with SNPs.

l = getAnnotation(probe, what = "Locations")$chr %in% paste0("chr", 1:22) &, what = "SNPs.137CommonSingle")$Probe_rs)
mat = mat[l, ]

Extract the CpG annotations (i.e. CpG Islands, shores, seas).

cgi_anno = getAnnotation(probe, "Islands.UCSC")$Relation_to_Island[l]

Extract the matrix for tumor samples. Also modify column names for the tumor samples to be consistent with the phenotype data which we will read later.

mat1 = as.matrix(mat[, grep("GBM", colnames(mat))])   # tumor samples
colnames(mat1) = gsub("GBM", "dkfz", colnames(mat1))

Read the annotations for samples. Phenotype data (450K_annotation.txt) is from Sturm et al., 2012, supplementary table S1.

phenotype = read.table("450K_annotation.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t", row.names = 1,
    check.names = FALSE, comment.char = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
phenotype = phenotype[colnames(mat1), 1:2]
colnames(phenotype) = c("dkfz_subtype", "tcga_subtype")

Assign random values for NA.

mat1[] = runif(sum(

A subset of matrix which corresponds to the current CpG annotation. The value of cgi can be island/shore/sea/all.

cgi = "all" # island/shore/sea/all
cgi_regexp = cgi
if(cgi == "all") {
    cgi_regexp = ".*"
} else if(cgi %in% c("shelf", "sea")) {
    cgi_regexp = "shelf|sea"
mat1 = mat1[grepl(cgi_regexp, cgi_anno, = TRUE), , drop = FALSE]

Define the colors for the annotations.

anno_col = list(
    dkfz_subtype = structure(names = c("IDH", "K27", "G34", "RTK I PDGFRA", "Mesenchymal", "RTK II Classic"), brewer.pal(6, "Set1")),
    tcga_subtype = structure(names = c("G-CIMP+", "Cluster #2", "Cluster #3"), brewer.pal(3, "Set1"))

Perform the consensus partitioning:

rl = run_all_consensus_partition_methods(
    top_n = seq(min(2000, round(nrow(data) * 0.1)), min(10000, round(nrow(data) * 0.5)), length.out = 5),
    max_k = 10,
    scale_rows = FALSE, 
    anno = phenotype, 
    anno_col = anno_col, 
    mc.cores = 4)

saveRDS(rl, file = qq("GBM_450K_cgi_@{cgi}_subgroup.rds"))

cola_opt(group_diff = 0.1)
cola_report(rl, output_dir = qq("GBM_450K_cgi_@{cgi}_subgroup_cola_report"), mc.cores = 4)