We need an expression matrix as well as a collection of gene sets.
lt = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "p53_expr.rds", package = "GSEAtraining"))
expr = lt$expr
condition = lt$condition
ln = strsplit(readLines(system.file("extdata", "c2.symbols.gmt", package = "GSEAtraining")), "\t")
gs = lapply(ln, function(x) x[-(1:2)])
names(gs) = sapply(ln, function(x) x[1])
Running GSVA analysis is simple. Just note the gene IDs in expr
should match the gene IDs in gs
The returned value gs_mat
is a set-sample matrix that contains “single sample-based gene set variation scores”.
## [1] 522 50
can be used for downstream analysis. E.g. make heatmaps:
Heatmap(gs_mat, top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(cond = condition),
column_split = condition)
Apply t-test on each row of gs_mat
to test whether the gene set-level profile has difference between the two conditions.
tdf = rowttests(gs_mat, factor(condition))
tdf$fdr = p.adjust(tdf$p.value, "BH")
How many gene sets are significant?
tdf[tdf$fdr < 0.05, ]
## statistic dm p.value fdr
## ngfPathway 4.793368 0.2555689 1.623384e-05 0.008474063
## rasPathway 4.178302 0.2625379 1.234110e-04 0.032210282
As a comparison, we also perform a normal GSEA analysis. We use the t-value as the gene-level score:
Here we also test to the c2 gene set collection, so we need to convert gs
to the format clusterProfiler accepts:
map = data.frame(
gene_set = rep(names(gs), times = sapply(gs, length)),
gene = unlist(gs)
tb = GSEA(geneList = sort(s, decreasing = TRUE), TERM2GENE = map, pvalueCutoff = 1)
## ID
## P53_UP P53_UP
## hsp27Pathway hsp27Pathway
## GPCRs_Class_A_Rhodopsin-like GPCRs_Class_A_Rhodopsin-like
## p53hypoxiaPathway p53hypoxiaPathway
## p53Pathway p53Pathway
## Description setSize
## P53_UP P53_UP 40
## hsp27Pathway hsp27Pathway 15
## GPCRs_Class_A_Rhodopsin-like GPCRs_Class_A_Rhodopsin-like 111
## p53hypoxiaPathway p53hypoxiaPathway 20
## p53Pathway p53Pathway 16
## enrichmentScore NES pvalue p.adjust
## P53_UP -0.6132568 -2.142806 3.197933e-06 0.001263184
## hsp27Pathway -0.7841899 -2.207994 9.032410e-06 0.001305305
## HTERT_UP 0.3612304 1.879265 9.913707e-06 0.001305305
## GPCRs_Class_A_Rhodopsin-like -0.4503613 -1.806388 2.210172e-05 0.002182545
## p53hypoxiaPathway -0.6940780 -2.092750 3.196336e-05 0.002525105
## p53Pathway -0.7524677 -2.157787 4.791073e-05 0.003154123
## qvalue rank leading_edge
## P53_UP 0.001107495 464 tags=22%, list=5%, signal=22%
## hsp27Pathway 0.001144424 882 tags=53%, list=9%, signal=49%
## HTERT_UP 0.001144424 1523 tags=33%, list=15%, signal=28%
## GPCRs_Class_A_Rhodopsin-like 0.001913544 2120 tags=35%, list=21%, signal=28%
## p53hypoxiaPathway 0.002213883 741 tags=30%, list=7%, signal=28%
## p53Pathway 0.002765374 252 tags=31%, list=2%, signal=31%
## core_enrichment
## p53hypoxiaPathway CSNK1D/HIC1/CPB2/MDM2/BAX/CDKN1A
## p53Pathway CDK2/BCL2/MDM2/BAX/CDKN1A
Let’s check the expression of genes in the p53Pathway:
g = intersect(gs[["p53Pathway"]], rownames(expr))
mm = expr[g, ]
mm = t(scale(t(mm))) # z-score transformation
Heatmap(mm, name = "z-score", top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(cond = condition),
column_title = "p53Pathway",
right_annotation = rowAnnotation(bar = anno_barplot(s[g], axis_param = list(direction = "reverse"), width = unit(2, "cm"))),
column_split = condition) %v%
Heatmap(gs_mat["hivnefPathway", , drop = FALSE], name = "set variation")
Next we make pairwise scatterplot of p-values and statistics for both analysis.
cn = intersect(rownames(tdf), tb$ID)
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(tdf[cn, "p.value"], tb[cn, "pvalue"],
xlab = "GSVA", ylab = "normal GSEA", main = "p-values")
plot(tdf[cn, "statistic"], tb[cn, "NES"],
xlab = "GSVA / t-values", ylab = "normal GSEA / NES")
abline(h = 0, lty = 2, col = "grey")
abline(v = 0, lty = 2, col = "grey")
This makes a problem here that one method generates a significant gene set which can be completely insignificant under another method (left plot). The direction of the general differentiation of a gene set can be reversed in different methods.
g = intersect(gs[["hivnefPathway"]], rownames(expr))
mm = expr[g, ]
mm = t(scale(t(mm))) # z-score transformation
Heatmap(mm, name = "z-score", top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(cond = condition),
right_annotation = rowAnnotation(bar = anno_barplot(s[g], axis_param = list(direction = "reverse"), width = unit(2, "cm"))),
column_split = condition) %v%
Heatmap(gs_mat["hivnefPathway", , drop = FALSE], name = "set variation")
Conclusion: It does not seem ssGSEA is better than GSEA. Use with caution.