simplifyEnrichment is suggested to work on GO enrichment results.

A vector of GO IDs

## Loading required package: BiocGenerics
## Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, aperm, append,
##, basename, cbind, colnames, dirname,,
##     duplicated, eval, evalq, get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted,
##     lapply, mapply, match, mget, order, paste, pmax,, pmin,
##, rank, rbind, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table,
##     tapply, union, unique, unsplit, which.max, which.min
## Loading required package: grid
## ========================================
## simplifyEnrichment version 1.11.1
## Bioconductor page:
## Github page:
## Documentation:
## Examples:
## If you use it in published research, please cite:
## Gu, Z. simplifyEnrichment: an R/Bioconductor package for Clustering and 
##   Visualizing Functional Enrichment Results, Genomics, Proteomics & 
##   Bioinformatics 2022.
## This message can be suppressed by:
##   suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(simplifyEnrichment))
## ========================================
go_id = random_GO(500)
df = simplifyGO(go_id)
## You haven't provided value for `ont`, guess it as `BP`.
## Cluster 500 terms by 'binary_cut'... 14 clusters, used 1.142046 secs.
## Perform keywords enrichment for 5 GO lists...

##           id cluster
## 1 GO:0006997       1
## 2 GO:0003190       2
## 3 GO:0015917       3
## 4 GO:0016119       4
## 5 GO:0098884       3
## 6 GO:0002842       5

Multiple enrichment results

We have some signature genes. They can be clustered into four groups with their expression profile. We apply GO enrichment on the four gene lists and we have four enrichment tables.

## * 72/72 samples (in 3 classes) remain after filtering by silhouette (>= 0.5).
## * cache hash: 87c63a8cabc898f97a024514962787f7 (seed 888).
## * calculating row difference between subgroups by Ftest.
## * split rows into 4 groups by k-means clustering.
## * 2058 signatures (50.0%) under fdr < 0.05, group_diff > 0.
##   - randomly sample 2000 signatures.
## * making heatmaps for signatures.

lt = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "lt_enrichment_tables.rds", package = "GSEAtraining"))
## [1] 4
##                    ID                              Description GeneRatio
## GO:0006974 GO:0006974 cellular response to DNA damage stimulus    77/471
## GO:0006281 GO:0006281                               DNA repair    61/471
## GO:0000278 GO:0000278                       mitotic cell cycle    78/471
## GO:1903047 GO:1903047               mitotic cell cycle process    70/471
## GO:0051276 GO:0051276                  chromosome organization    58/471
## GO:0006260 GO:0006260                          DNA replication    38/471
##              BgRatio       pvalue     p.adjust       qvalue
## GO:0006974 871/18614 3.252635e-22 1.545002e-18 1.174030e-18
## GO:0006281 587/18614 3.683205e-21 8.220452e-18 6.246633e-18
## GO:0000278 933/18614 5.191864e-21 8.220452e-18 6.246633e-18
## GO:1903047 777/18614 1.148628e-20 1.363995e-17 1.036485e-17
## GO:0051276 626/18614 8.913192e-18 8.467532e-15 6.434386e-15
## GO:0006260 278/18614 1.862901e-17 1.474797e-14 1.120682e-14
##                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               geneID
## GO:0006281                                                                                                               CDC7/PARG/APEX1/NUDT1/MCM2/MCM7/PARK7/HMGB1/MDC1/USP10/MCM6/TOPBP1/PARP1/PCNA/RPA3/DNTT/TP53/NPM1/XRCC5/CDK2/UBE2A/SSRP1/RFC4/GTF2H1/NONO/MLH1/PMS1/TAF7/MTA1/MRE11/ZMYND8/ATR/CUL4A/FH/POLG/UBE2V2/MSH6/BARD1/PSMD14/MEN1/TRIM28/POLA1/H2AX/RRM1/DDX1/MCM5/CDK9/LIG4/CHD4/UNG/TERF2/MCM3/SMC1A/ATM/PRKDC/MSH3/SMARCA4/FMR1/DDB1/HMGB2/ATRX
## GO:0051276                                                                                                                    APEX1/CCT8/MCM2/KIF14/CCT5/MCM7/HMGB1/NCAPD2/GINS1/MCM6/PUM2/PPP2R1A/PARP1/TOP2A/PCNA/RPA3/RHOA/CCT6A/KPNB1/RB1/TP53/HNRNPA2B1/XRCC5/BAG6/CDK2/TTK/RFC4/SSBP1/NASP/CDC20/MLH1/G3BP1/MRE11/CCT4/ATR/DCTN2/CCT7/TRIM28/HSP90AA1/DNMT1/EHMT2/DDX1/MCM5/CCT3/LIG4/TERF2/MCM3/SMC1A/MYC/ATM/PRKDC/MSH3/TOP2B/SMARCA4/NAA10/HMGB2/ATRX/KIF11
## GO:0006260                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CDC7/MCM2/MCM7/GINS1/MCM6/JADE2/TOPBP1/PPP2R1A/PARP1/PCNA/RPA3/TP53/CDK2/SSRP1/RFC4/SSBP1/NASP/ORC2/DUT/MRE11/ATR/ORC3/POLG/POLRMT/BARD1/POLA1/RRM1/EHMT2/RBBP4/PRIM1/PRIM2/MCM5/CDK9/LIG4/TERF2/MCM3/SET/ATRX
##            Count n_hits n_genes gs_size n_totle log2_fold_enrichment  z_score
## GO:0006974    77     77     471     871   18614             1.804775 12.14540
## GO:0006281    61     61     471     587   18614             2.038038 12.32378
## GO:0000278    78     78     471     933   18614             1.724186 11.63381
## GO:1903047    70     70     471     777   18614             1.832029 11.74674
## GO:0051276    58     58     471     626   18614             1.872479 10.91452
## GO:0006260    38     38     471     278   18614             2.433504 11.91483

simplifyGOFromMultipleLists() can visualize GO enrichment from multiple results.

simplifyGOFromMultipleLists(lt, padj_cutoff = 0.001)

Word clouds

Let’s say, for the following plot, the heatmap is might not be necessary to put into the final report.

df = lt[[1]]
go_id = df$ID[df$p.adjust < 0.01]

summarizeGO() makes an even simpler plot with word cloud and simple statistical graphics.

Two inputs for the function:

  • A vector of GO IDs
  • A numeric vector of corresponding statistics
l = df$p.adjust < 0.01
summarizeGO(df$ID[l], -log10(df$p.adjust)[l], axis_label = "average -log10(p.adjust)")

Or visualize average log2 fold enrichment:

l = df$p.adjust < 0.01
summarizeGO(df$ID[l], df$log2_fold_enrichment[l], axis_label = "average log2(fold enrichment)")

summarizeGO() also supports multiple enrichment results. In this case, value should be is a list of numeric named vectors which contains significant GO terms in each enrichment table.

value = lapply(lt, function(df) {
    v = -log10(df$p.adjust)
    names(v) = df$ID
    v[df$p.adjust < 0.001]
summarizeGO(value = value, axis_label = "average -log10(p.adjust)", 
    legend_title = "-log10(p.adjust)")

Or use log2 fold enrichment:

value = lapply(lt, function(df) {
    v = df$log2_fold_enrichment
    names(v) = df$ID
    v[df$p.adjust < 0.001]
summarizeGO(value = value, axis_label = "average log2_fold_enrichment", 
    legend_title = "log2(fold_enrichment)")


Practice 1

Recall in Topic 2-02: Implement ORA from stratch, we compared the ORA results when setting DE cutoffs to 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001. Now perform a simplify enrichment analysis on the three ORA tables and compare them.

de = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "de.rds", package = "GSEAtraining"))
de = de[, c("symbol", "p_value")]
de = de[!$p_value), ]

de_genes_1 = de$symbol[de$p_value < 0.05]
de_genes_2 = de$symbol[de$p_value < 0.01]
de_genes_3 = de$symbol[de$p_value < 0.001]

## Loading required package: AnnotationDbi
## Loading required package: stats4
## Loading required package: Biobase
## Welcome to Bioconductor
##     Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
##     'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
##     'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.
## Loading required package: IRanges
## Loading required package: S4Vectors
## Warning: package 'S4Vectors' was built under R version 4.3.2
## Attaching package: 'S4Vectors'
## The following object is masked from 'package:utils':
##     findMatches
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     I, expand.grid, unname
gs = get_GO_gene_sets_from_orgdb(, "BP", gene_id_type = "SYMBOL")
## 'select()' returned 1:many mapping between keys and columns
tb1 = ora(de_genes_1, gs)
tb2 = ora(de_genes_2, gs)
tb3 = ora(de_genes_3, gs)


lt = list(
    "DE_0.05" = tb1,
    "DE_0.01" = tb2,
    "DE_0.001" = tb3

simplifyGOFromMultipleLists(lt, padj_cutoff = 0.05)